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2023 Pickleball Rodeo Results and Photos


Best Overall Team Score

Judy Melo, Dan Bandini, Dave Sharafinski, Stephanie Helm

Most Serve Points Winner 

Catherine Brown (left)

Best Dinking Team (95 in 2 minutes!)

Judy Melo, Dan Bandini, Dave Sharafinski, Stephanie Helm

Best 3rd Shot Drop (Tied)

David Deleeuw and Chong Mattios

Relay 1st Place Team

Lynne Wagner, Joe Carnes, Sheryl AuBuchan, Jim Quandt

Relay 2nd Place Team

Patty Smith, Bobbie Randolph, Joel Mietzner, Paula Frodel

Relay 3rd Place Team

Bryan Rickman, Brad Helm, Al Gerard, Doug Fleming


Relay 4th Place Team

Catherine Brown, Jo Lamson, Jerry Heintz, Peggy Douglas

Rodeo Organizers

Catherine Brown, Dave Sharafinski, Diane Barrows McGee, Charlene Quant, Teri Kojtila


Third Shot Drop Winners (Tied)

David Deleeuw and Chong Mattios

Relay 1st  Place

Lynne Wagner, Joe Carnes,

Sheryl Aubuchan, Jim Quand

Best Dinking Team (95 in 2 minutes!)

Judy Melo, Dan Bandini, Dave Sharafinski, Stephanie Helm

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