Voyager Pickleball Club at Voyager RV Resort Tucson, AZ

Meet The Board of Directors
The Voyager Pickleball Club's mission is: To promote pickleball through play, education, drills, clinics, and competitive tournaments for residents and visitors as well as providing opportunities for social activities.
Our overall theme is to encourage sportsmanship, camaraderie and safety through fun & exercise.

Evelyn Bellotti-Busch
Hiking, backpacking,crafting,and Pickleball are the activities that fill my days. Zena, my dog, is a Pet Partner certified dog that helps me with my love for volunteering. Kevin, my husband, and I live in Sisters, OR when we are not at Voyager.

Vice President
Jerry Heintze
My wife Barb and I moved to Tucson from Champaign, Illinois in 1997, and moved to the Voyager in 2017. I always tell people we moved from North Kolb to South Kolb. I took up pickleball about a year after we moved here and I was addicted about a month later. I'm also on the softball team here in the park. The other thing that keeps me busy is dog sitting. We are almost always watching one dog or more. Our daughter lives in the Seattle area so we get to spend the summers up there, out of the heat, and playing more pickleball!

Beryl Schultze
I first came to Voyager in 2002 to visit my sister and her husband, but it wasn't until I retired in 2013 that I tried pickleball. After years of playing almost every day, a knee replacement and an Achilles tendon slowed me down some, but I still love it! I go back to my home state of Minnesota in the summers and over Christmas to spend time with the rest of my family and my Minnesota friends... and of course to play pickleball!

Lori Schneider
Neal and I are full time Voyager residents moving here in April 2020. A Pennsylvania girl, I graduated from Penn State University with a degree in sociology and psychology. I retired in 2010 after owning a mail and parcel shipping center in Pottstown, Pennsylvania for 21 years. I became addicted to pickleball soon after being introduced to the game in the summer of 2020. I want to share my enthusiasm for the game by encouraging fun on the courts and mentoring new players.

Structured Play/Player Improvement
Catherine Brown
My husband and I were raised in Sacramento, California and we came to Tucson to be near my daughter, son in law, and 6 grandsons. We now have a 7th grandson in California.
We love and play as much pickleball as time allows.
As the Player Improvement and Structured Play Coordinator I am putting my training and design skills to good use in documenting the lesson plans and organizing structured play.

Court Maintenance
Tom Paull
My partner Dennis and I knew about Voyager for many years and in 2021 we made our first visit. We were hooked after one month.
Given the amount of joy Voyager pickleball adds to my life, I knew I had to step up and join the board in the role of Court Maintenance. As I am not a full time Voyager resident I will need help with court maintenance items in the off season. Drop me an email if you can help.
Besides pickleball I spend much time experimenting and learning via my amateur radio hobby both in Tucson and Seattle.

Player and Constituent Representative
Dave Sharafinski
Quite thankful to be here. Most thankful to SERVE. Your suggestions to enhance our pickleball fun are most welcome. Together we’ll liaison with our Board. And if your pickleball feathers get ruffled, challenging your inner peace, let’s chat.
I love to laugh. Humor finds my funny bone more often than the ball finds my paddle. I aspire to be fair, honest, logical, empathetic and caring. Join me!

Tournament Director
Diane McGee
Diane’s a dynamo, coordinating the logistics and personnel involved with the December “Holiday”, March “Voyager” and “Dink" tournaments. She’s also the planning guru for fun events like the “Rodeo” and “Shenanigans”. Her creative thinking is a benefit to us all.